Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Dumb, Dumberer and Dumberest

Dumb(dum) adj. Below normal intelligence

Despite wife telling him it was a scam, this dumb ass husband still insist on getting his hand on a RM100,000 lottery money they won, for lottery ticket they never buy.

completely devoid of any shred of anything that even remotely resembles intelligence

Magically the lottery money grew from RM100,000 to RM2.4 million (some say RM24m) and the so called organizer just can't wait to pass the winning money to the dumb ass. Dumb ass becomes dumber when he end up deposited another RM1.7 million on 86 different accounts !!! and for initially RM100,000 worth of lottery money.

You think that dumb enough.... beauty part of english is, when it come to an adjective, there are always in 3 levels. Wait till you see the third level....

......insanely dumb

So lets re-cap, he "won" Rm100,000 and yet he lost all his life saving of RM700,000 and God knows where and which Untie Mei and Uncle Ah Long he got his RM1,000,000 loan money to support his luxury vacation in in Hong Kong in a posh hotel and five star restaurant in a limo.

How much dumber he can get ... u think that the dumbest thing a person could do? beeek !! you are wrong.... he admitted, that he would have deposited another "final" fee if he had enough money to do it...... and that is insanely dumb.

But wait


If such an INSANELY DUMBEREST person could save RM700,000 before reach 40.

What make us of those who are still struggling working hard 9-6 to pay car loan and house mortgage.

Maybe our hard earn honest money paid off .... some people make lots of money the easy way.... easy come easy go.... like our friend above. We may not have RM700000 in our bank account, but so long we are happy, our family happy.... thats is million dollar lottery for me.

3 opinion, wanna say something?:

Anonymous a.k.a Chicken !! said...

Try to observe... How many rich guy want to be richer and how many poor guy want to be rich... You'll be surprise! I saw this news before... I have to agree with you nonetheless...

Kucing Mafia said...

The more you earn the more you spend. That is why you'll never rich enough.

I had my lesson learned the hard way, thought not as hard as Rm1.7m. I had my glory day before I lost it all.

Now I'm a change man but still struggling to cover the lost I suffered.

Anonymous a.k.a Chicken !! said...
