Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pictures you don't see on TV and Newspaper

Najib Tun Razak says that The Opposition Are Rude. ( http://westmalaysia .com/?p=2724 )

“The opposition did not show any respect to their opponents. Is this the image of the party that wants to rule the country,” he said when visiting the BN Youth Main Operations Room.

The 51 years mentality, the Hadhari's teaching.....

Rukun Negara #1 : Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan

Puteri UMNO, legacy of el-lesbo de el-andartue

Rukun Negara #5 : Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan

Putera Umno a.k.a Mat Rempit, legacy of anak menantu Optimus Prime Minister

Dirty corrupted police enforcer..... see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil....

Rukun Negara #4 : Kedaulatan Undang-Undang

Yang membezakan antara haiwan dan manusia hanyalah akal, akal yang di kurniakan oleh tuhan.

Aksi "keterlaluan" penyokong PKR berpunca dari kemarahan rakyat atas sikap berat sebelah pihak media, aksi penyokong BN di atas jelas menunjukkan bahawa penyokong BN, seperti pemimpinnya semua sudah hilang akal.....

Tiada lagi beza dengan haiwan.
