Yes ... you read that right. The company I'm working with decided to give away RM5.00 buta-buta to first 1000 Malaysian (BERSIH ka.. HINDRAF ka.. NYONYA ka.. as long as got legal Malaysian IC) all sumua bangsa entitled.
That pisses me off... there goes my yearly bonus.... RM5000 !! makan roti loh....
How to claim that RM5.... please don't walk to my office and ask from me. I kick your ass...
Must follow procedures.....
1) Go to this
WEBCASH site. REGISTER yourself with valid info. Then validate your email ... then within 24 hours or next working day.... early early morning before minum kopi I will send you RM5.oo coupon pin and serial number. The log in to your Webcash account and reload reload reload reload !!!!!
WHAT IS WEBCASH ...........? MLM ???? HYIP ??? CEPAT KAYA ???
- This WEBCASH online e-money account approved by Bank Negara, not cincai one.
- FREE registration .... tak ada obligation .... no need pay any fee like blardy pos malaysia one.
- Then we free free give you guys RM5 reload coupon.... no interrogation one.
- Suka suka hati you can reload the RM5 before March next year. Can buy mandarin limau 1 kilo.
- Add few more RM you can buy prepaid handphone top up to call your ah beng and ah lian.
- Use WEBCASH for life without yearly fee like stupid credit card company.
- No transaction fee.... you buy RM20 item.. you pay RM20.... no more sometime got less.
- Can transfer credit to your pisau cukur girlfrend on ask from your sugar daddy to tranfer money to you.
- Tarak puas hati... kasi close account or go fly kite and disappear. No one will go blardy sue and cari you into lubang cacing.